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Owl Lighting writes for DECO

This month we've written a piece for the new online magazine DECO - which specialises in eco green interiors.  Here is a preview of the article: How do you distinguish between all the new LED downlights - how can you ...

DeLIGHTful Decorex

September is exhibition season for the entire British Interior design industry - a chance for designers and suppliers to get together, launch new collections, exchange ideas and be inspired.    Decorex is always a treat ...


We love spotting anything Owl related - here are a few we've found recently: He's a very handsome fellow isn't he? This wonderful wallpaper from Turner Pocock is part of a series of animals - of course we think ...

the lights go out all over Britain… literally, but after a great deal of anticipation the light bulb ban is finally here - no more filament lightbulbs and a whole new language to learn when you go shopping. Architectural lighting has benefitte ...


Travel broadens the mind, particularly so for designers. Our recent trip to Spain was illuminating -our small family run hotel (we'll keep the location a secret!)-  had recently added a modern extension of 10 rooms. ...

Surrealist Lighting

I was lucky enough to finally escape all the english rain and head off to the south coast of spain for a good injection of light and warmth.  Thankfully we brought the sunshine back. A trip to Salvador Dali's coastal ...