Art lighting talk
Art Lighting – a talk by Lighting Designer Sally Stephenson of Owl Lighting, 6 June 2018
6.30 – 7.45 pm
We are delighted to have been invited by Moncrieff Bray Gallery to give a talk on lighting art.
In the talk we will explain the principles of lighting art, paintings & sculptures; the difference between and importance of; colour temperature, colour rendering, beam angles and glare control and will also demonstrate some of the be
st art lighting fittings on the market.
If you are interested in art lighting, and would like to see the current art collection at Moncrieff Bray, please come along.
For more information : or Moncrieff Bray :
Location :
Moncrieff Bray Gallery, Woodruffs Farm, Egdean, Petworth, West Sussex RH20 1JX
T. 07867 978414